Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Call for G7 Follow-up on BHR Agenda

    April 06, 2016

    Praising leaders of past Group of Seven ("G7") summits for addressing the implementation of the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, a group of nongovernmental organizations is calling for Japan, as the current G7 chair, to ensure that the next summit includes a discussion of BHR issues, including supply chain standards and adoption of BHR national action plans.

  • Norway Wealth Fund Implements BHR Agenda

    April 06, 2016

    Norges Bank Investment Management, which manages Norway's sovereign wealth fund, has adopted a human rights policy requiring companies in which it invests to integrate a human rights strategy in their operations and to report on their performance, key tenets in the implementation of the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda.

  • OECD Contact Point: Company Failed to Uphold Standards in DRC

    April 06, 2016

    The UK National Contact Point of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises has found that natural resources company ENRC violated the Guidelines through its subsidiaries' failure to consult with Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC") villages over security and effects of their operations on the local water supply.

  • JPMorgan Limits Investments in Coal Projects

    April 05, 2016

    Website Clean Technica reports that financial company JPMorgan has acted in line with demands from UN officials and nongovernmental organizations by adding certain coal investments to the company's list of "Prohibited Transactions" in order to help combat global warming.

  • UNOHCHR Critiques World Bank Environmental, Social Framework

    April 05, 2016

    In comments reflecting UN pressure on public and private actors to implement its business and human rights agenda, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ("UNOHCHR") has called on the World Bank to amend its Environmental and Social Framework to take greater account of international human rights law and strengthen due diligence requirements.

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