Business & Human Rights

  • AI Criticizes "Obstacles" for Complaints at UK NCP

    February 24, 2016

    A review by Amnesty International ("AI") of the UK's National Contact Point ("NCP") for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises calls on officials to limit obstacles the NCP has established that reduce the number of claims the body resolves and to provide for "consequences" for companies found to be in breach of the OECD Guidelines.

  • OECD Launches Outreach Effort for Corporate Tax Initiative

    February 24, 2016

    The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") has announced a forum for "associate" countries to work with members of the OECD and G20 groups to shape a global system of financial information sharing, which will seek to limit tax avoidance by multinational corporations.

  • Facing Activist Pressure, Ford Halts ALEC Funding

    February 24, 2016

    As nongovernmental organizations and activists pressure corporations to cease their funding of the American Legislative Exchange Council ("ALEC") due to the group's social and environmental initiatives, Ford has announced that it will no longer fund the organization.

  • Ruggie: UNGPs Must Come Before Social Development Action

    February 24, 2016

    In a letter to the new Global Commission on Business and Sustainable Development, John Ruggie, a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School and author of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("UNGPs"), warns that business action to further the UN's "sustainable development" agenda must not come at the expense of his UNGPs.

  • Diamond Retailer Signs up to BHR Agenda

    February 24, 2016

    Diamond jewelry giant Signet Jewelers has announced that, in collaboration with other businesses, international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations, it has signed up to a "responsible sourcing protocol" that will seek to increase transparency in its diamond supply chain and advance the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR").

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