Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Call on UN Working Group to Investigate Fracking

    January 27, 2016

    Arguing that the practice of hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") to produce natural gas places "virtually all human rights at risk," a group of individuals and nongovernmental organizations calls on the UN Working Group on business and human rights issues to guide governments and companies on the practice.

  • Ireland's BHR Action Plan Falls Short of Activists' Demands

    January 27, 2016

    Describing key elements of Ireland's draft business and human rights ("BHR") national action plan, Dr. Shane Darcy of the National University of Ireland Galway emphasizes that the plan contains "little discussion of mandatory requirements" and does not include recommendations from BHR activist groups.

  • Indonesia Finalizes BHR Action Plan

    January 27, 2016

    The Jakarta Post reports that Indonesia's National Commission on Human Rights has finalized its national action plan to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") in Indonesian law.

  • Lawyer Warns of BHR Litigation Risks

    January 22, 2016

    Warning of litigation risks in the US and beyond related to "hard" and "soft" business and human rights ("BHR") norms, Thomas Player of Eversheds LLP calls for companies to look to domestic and international BHR compliance and reporting standards, including the "authoritative" UN Guiding Principles on BHR.

  • UN: Businesses Must "Mainstream" SDGs in Operations

    January 22, 2016

    At a meeting of the UN Global Compact Board, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other UN officials urged business leaders to "mainstream" the UN environmental and social agenda in their operations and to take action to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs").

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