Business & Human Rights

  • IACHR Investigates Alleged BHR Violations in Brazil

    January 13, 2016

    According to the nongovernmental organization AIDA, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights ("IACHR") has launched an investigation of Brazil over complaints alleging that the construction of a hydroelectric dam has violated the rights of indigenous peoples under the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda.

  • Editorial: Sports Groups Should Follow FIFA's Path on BHR Principles

    January 13, 2016

    An editorial in the New Delhi Times asserts that global sporting organizations should follow the example of the International Federation of Association Football ("FIFA") in its demonstration of commitment to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") by requesting that developer of the Guiding Principles, Professor John Ruggie, develop its global BHR strategy.

  • Article: UN and National Measures Formalize BHR Regulation

    January 06, 2016

    Karin Buhmann of Copenhagen Business School writes that the public-law formalization by international organizations and national governments of measures on business and human rights ("BHR"), including the UN Guiding Principles on BHR, must be accompanied by "coherence in public law regulation" to ensure legal certainty and effective BHR regulation.

  • World Bank Calls for Expansive Climate Action in Private Sector

    January 06, 2016

    The World Bank Group has issued a press release maintaining that the private sector must play an expansive role in funding efforts to counter climate change and highlighting a series of initiatives of World Bank Group member the International Finance Corporation to fund the UN's climate agenda, including through "green bonds" and support of a tax on carbon emissions.

  • Colombian NGO Proposes Investment Provisions in NAP

    January 06, 2016

    The Investment and Human Rights Project ("IHRP") in Colombia has called on the country's government to include provisions in its upcoming national action plan ("NAP") on implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") that require the formulation of a policy on foreign investment that ensures respect for the BHR agenda.

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