Business & Human Rights

  • UN Agent Calls for End to Investor Dispute Mechanism

    December 16, 2015

    In a recent op-ed, UN Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order Alfred de Zayas called for the abolition of investor-state dispute settlement provisions ("ISDS"), mandating state-investor arbitration in many trade agreements, and for a "world conference" to establish a binding treaty on business and human rights.

  • UN Initiative Pushes Investor Action on Taxation

    December 16, 2015

    The UN initiative Principles for Responsible Investment has published a report that guides investors on how to engage with and place pressure on businesses to implement the UN agenda on limiting corporate "profit-shifting" and tax avoidance.

  • Directors Take up BHR Criticisms of World Bank

    December 16, 2015

    Representatives of the nongovernmental organization Bank Information Center highlight growing criticisms of the World Bank from activists, recently voiced by a number of Executive Directors of the Bank, demanding that the institution fully consider their business and human rights ("BHR") concerns in funding development projects around the world.

  • EU Requires Labeling of Goods from West Bank

    December 16, 2015

    The New York Times reports that the EU's decision to require some goods produced on land seized by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War to be labeled "made in settlements" has stoked apprehension among Israelis that this move is a step toward divestment from and a boycott of companies that operate in the West Bank.

  • UN Calls for Corporate Reporting on SDGs

    December 16, 2015

    The UN Environment Programme has published a report that argues companies are not sufficiently reporting their implementation of environmental and social provisions contained in the recently adopted UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs") for 2030 and that calls on businesses to comply with international standards in their SDG reporting.

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