Business & Human Rights

  • G20 Endorses OECD Plans on Corporate Taxation

    December 15, 2015

    At a recent meeting, the G20 group of countries endorsed the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's ("OECD") Base Erosion and Profit Shifting proposal to "crack down" on business practices of avoiding taxes by shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions.

  • NGO Calls for Compulsory CSR System in EU

    December 15, 2015

    Jérôme Chaplier of the European Coalition for Corporate Justice writes that, following a scandal at Volkswagen in which the company allegedly provided false reports on vehicle emissions to authorities, the EU should institute a mandatory scheme of corporate social responsibility ("CSR") that increases accountability of European companies to citizens.

  • UN Seeks Integration of BHR into Corporate "Crisis Planning"

    December 15, 2015

    In a recent "Good Practice Note," the UN Global Compact instructs companies how best to implement the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda in "crisis planning," including through the use of "human rights due diligence" to prioritize BHR issues in crises.

  • NGOs Seek Support for BHR Agenda in Development Finance

    December 14, 2015

    The Coalition for Human Rights in Development and the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable have published a document expressing alarm at deregulation and privatization they say often accompanies private development finance and calling for development finance institutions to adopt mandates to advance the business and human rights ("BHR") agenda.

  • Oxfam Pressures Businesses on "Responsible" Tax Behavior

    December 14, 2015

    As the UN and activists advance their agenda seeking funding for controversial "economic and social human rights" through corporate taxation, the nongovernmental organization Oxfam has published a guide to businesses offering recommendations on how to implement corporate "tax-responsible behaviour."

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