Business & Human Rights

  • Mandate Holders Seek AIIB Implementation of UN Standards

    December 07, 2015

    A report from a group of UN human-rights mandate holders calls for the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank ("AIIB") to do more to implement global human-rights standards, such as the UNCTAD Principles on Responsible Lending and Borrowing and the Guiding Principles on Foreign Debt and Human Rights, in the AIIB's draft Environmental and Social Framework.

  • Attorney Warns of BHR Treaty Noncompliance

    December 04, 2015

    Lawyer Bellinda Chinowawa writes that advocates of a binding UN business and human rights ("BHR") treaty should temper their expectations of government compliance with such an instrument and should instead focus their efforts on local-level work toward BHR regulation.

  • Norwegian Official Seeks BHR Pressure on States

    December 04, 2015

    Harriet Berg of the Norwegian mission to the UN writes that activists must place pressure on countries with little political will to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") and heed lessons from a new UN human rights body that will guide states toward providing more access to remedy for alleged BHR victims.

  • Oxfam Lauds Success of Food Initiative

    December 04, 2015

    The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has published an article on how it has successfully pressured a number of food and beverage companies to commit to deal with alleged human-rights abuses in their supply chains through its "Behind the Brands" campaign.

  • Europe, NGOs Organize BHR Workshop for ASEAN

    December 03, 2015

    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations ("ASEAN") CSR Network, with support from EU, academic, and governmental institutions, recently held a workshop for businesses, civil society groups, and government officials on how countries and companies in ASEAN should implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR").

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