Business & Human Rights

  • GRI Pushes Australian Companies on Climate Change

    December 01, 2015

    The Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") asserts that Australian companies, based on the information they publicly report, are not doing enough to manage risks related to global warming and has issued guidance on how these companies can report their implementation of the global "sustainability" agenda.

  • Analyst: Lawyers Should Explain Tax Avoidance Risks

    November 30, 2015

    Sudip Hazra, a research analyst from financial services firm Kepler Cheuvreux, calls on attorneys to explain the potential long-term risks to businesses of tax avoidance and why financial companies and investors have a fiduciary duty to disclose these risks to their clients.

  • Consultant Pushes UK Law as Model for BHR Reporting

    November 30, 2015

    Steve Gibbons of business and human rights ("BHR") consultancy Ergon Associates writes that businesses should use recent UK legislation that will require companies to report on the use of forced labor in their supply chains as a model and an opportunity for increased public reporting on their implementation of global BHR standards.

  • GRI Creates Board on "Sustainability" Reporting

    November 30, 2015

    The Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") has launched its Global Sustainability Standards Board, made up of labor, civil society, business, and other representatives, to develop worldwide standards for companies to report their progress in implementing the UN's environmental and social agenda.

  • UN Seeks "Sustainability" Through Human Rights at Forum

    November 25, 2015

    At the recent UN Forum on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") in Geneva, the UN Global Compact pushed the concept that the UN's agenda on "sustainable development" can only be successful if businesses around the world agree to implement the UN's BHR principles.

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