U.S. Congress Votes to Block Biden ESG Initiative
March 08, 2023
A resolution to overturn the Labor Department rule that enables fund managers to consider environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues for investments and shareholder rights decisions passed both houses of Congress and will be sent to President Biden, who is expected to veto the measure.
U.S. Conservatives have the Potential to Beat ESG
March 01, 2023
Russ Greene and Stephen R. Soukup writing in National Review Online give a detailed overview of the long history of the Environmental, Society and Governance (ESG) movement as well as an analysis of the ability of American conservatives to defeat the expansion of ESG policies.
Gumbs: Evaluation of the Universal Proxy
March 01, 2023
Keir Gumbs writing in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance explores the background of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s universal proxy rule that took effect last year and offers an early evaluation.
ESG Agenda Fulfills Warning About Managerial State
February 21, 2023
The implementation of the ESG agenda by progressive activists, corporate executives, and federal agencies fulfills James Burnham’s 1941 prediction of a managerial revolution that would replace capitalism.
New Activist Campaigns on the Rise Globally
February 21, 2023
According to a new report released by Diligent, the number of companies subjected to new activist campaigns increased by 10.6% in the U.S. and 6% globally in 2022.