Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Call on Extractive Initiative to Advance Climate Agenda

    October 21, 2015

    A letter from a group of nongovernmental organizations calls on the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative ("EITI"), which promotes "open and accountable management of natural resources," to include provisions businesses should follow on reducing the dangers of climate change.

  • NGO Threatens Climate Litigation Against Corporate Directors

    October 21, 2015

    CEO of nongovernmental organization ("NGO") ClientEarth James Thornton writes that his NGO will pursue litigation against corporate directors who "fail to protect their investors from the challenge" of global warming.

  • OECD Considers Draft Guidelines for Apparel Industry Conduct

    October 21, 2015

    In a recent article, Sarah Labowitz discusses the effectiveness of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's ("OECD") draft guidelines for responsible business conduct in apparel and footwear supply chains, which call for companies to investigate the operations of their "sub-tier suppliers."

  • Oxfam Pushes Action on Corporate Taxes at Lima Meeting

    October 16, 2015

    Oxfam called on finance ministers from the G20 group of countries, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank to spell out new international rules to counter tax avoidance by multinational corporations and to mobilize funding for climate-change projects at a recent meeting in Lima, Peru.

  • IBA Holds BHR Discussions at Conference

    October 16, 2015

    At its annual conference in Vienna, the International Bar Association ("IBA") held two panels on the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, the first on the role of attorneys in implementing BHR principles and the second on advancing these principles in practice.

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