Business & Human Rights

  • Academic Proposes "ISDS Carve-out" in Climate Agreement

    October 08, 2015

    A recent report from Professor Gus Van Harten of Osgoode Hall Law School proposes that a UN deal on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to be agreed in late 2015 include a measure that would limit the ability of corporations, through Investor-State Dispute Settlement ("ISDS") mechanisms in trade agreements, to challenge government action on climate change.

  • UN Forum Calls on Business to Implement SDGs

    October 08, 2015

    At the UN Global Compact's recent Private Sector Forum, UN, government, and business representatives discussed how companies around the world should implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs") through a combination of economic, social, and environmental policies.

  • Businesses Sign up to Coalition on Climate Change

    October 08, 2015

    Reflecting pressure on businesses from governments, activists, and international organizations to fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, a group of companies have formed a coalition called "We Mean Business" vowing to counter global warming in their operations.

  • NGO Criticizes Development Goals on Lack of BHR Push

    October 07, 2015

    The European Coalition for Corporate Justice has expressed disappointment in the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), a set of development targets for the year 2030, for not doing enough to advance the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda and improve corporate accountability for alleged human rights violations.

  • Beverage Businesses Commit to Climate Action

    October 07, 2015

    As pressure rises from activists and international organizations for businesses to commit to action to counter climate change, a group of companies in the beverage industry has released a statement indicating that they will reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and support an "international framework" of national targets on greenhouse gas reduction.

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