Business & Human Rights

  • "Climate Week" Pressures Businesses on Climate Action

    October 02, 2015

    Responding to pressure from activists and international organizations to measure and reduce their contributions to global warming, businesses gathered at "Climate Week NYC" to assure these actors of their implementation of the UN agenda on climate change.

  • EU Party Group Pushes for BHR Treaty

    October 02, 2015

    The Socialists and Democrats ("S&D") party grouping of the European Parliament recently held a seminar in Brussels discussing next steps in advancing a legally binding UN treaty on business and human rights ("BHR").

  • NGOs Seek BHR Measures at Development Summit

    October 02, 2015

    A group of nongovernmental organizations recently signed a petition calling for governments gathering to adopt the UN Sustainable Development Goals to also agree to a binding business and human rights ("BHR") treaty and to "transform" the financial system to fight climate change.

  • Coca-Cola Implements BHR Agenda

    October 02, 2015

    An interview with Coca-Cola's director of global workplace rights Brent Wilton reveals how the multinational corporation has responded to pressure by international organizations and activists by integrating the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda into its operations.

  • UN Working Group Seeks Tracking of BHR Initiatives

    September 30, 2015

    The UN Working Group on business and human rights ("BHR") issues has issued a report calling for a concerted effort to track government and corporate progress in implementing the UN's BHR agenda, including by using existing environmental and social measurement tools and by linking such measurement to the UN's new Sustainable Development Goals.

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