Business & Human Rights

  • Professor Pushes Human-Rights Case for Climate Change Action

    September 01, 2015

    Professor Peter McKenna of the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada has called for activists to ramp up their use of "human rights" arguments to push the case for countering climate change and to seek to legally constrain government action regarding the issue.

  • Article Explains Competing BHR Reporting Frameworks

    September 01, 2015

    In a recent article, attorneys from the law firm Littler Mendelson describe two leading frameworks for corporate reporting on business and human rights ("BHR") issues and explain how companies can face difficulties navigating the competing standards of these frameworks, which go beyond the UN-endorsed Guiding Principles on BHR.

  • UN Issues Business-Cooperation Guidelines

    August 31, 2015

    The UN has issued revised guidelines requiring transparency from businesses in their partnerships with UN entities, to be furthered primarily by the international organization's Global Compact.

  • Oil Companies Sign on to UN Methane Plan

    August 31, 2015

    Demonstrating pressure on businesses from activists and UN officials to implement the UN climate change agenda, a group of oil companies have agreed to a pledge, produced by the UN, to reduce methane emissions.

  • Paper Calls for "Global Framework Convention" on BHR

    August 27, 2015

    Finding that a "regulatory gap" exists in the business and human rights ("BHR") agenda and that standards short of a global treaty do not have the potential to close this gap, Tori Loven Kirkebø argues in a recent paper that a "global framework convention" could regulate governments and corporations to the extent required to secure the protection of human rights from business.

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