Business & Human Rights

  • Law Society Outlines Lawyer Role in BHR Agenda

    August 14, 2015

    Sarah Smith of the Law Society in the UK writes that in a world of "proliferating" standards and laws on business and human rights ("BHR"), including the UN Guiding Principles on BHR, attorneys are playing an increasing role in advising companies on risks from the BHR agenda.

  • Telegraph Article Advises on Fossil Fuel Divestment

    August 14, 2015

    Echoing a series from The Guardian pushing for fossil fuel "divestment," The Telegraph has published an article calling for investors to consider the risks of climate change to their investments in energy producers that are not implementing the UN climate agenda in their operations.

  • UN Group: Pope's Climate Encyclical Should Spur Business Action

    August 14, 2015

    The UN Global Compact has written a letter to Pope Francis arguing that his recent encyclical on climate change should inspire businesses to implement the global environment agenda and calling for the Pope to call on businesses in an upcoming speech "to do more to care for our climate and our common home."

  • NGO Calls for Corporate Tax Clampdown in Africa

    August 14, 2015

    At a recent conference, a representative from the Tax Justice Network called for African governments to address "loopholes" in current corporate tax collection practices in order to use the resulting revenue to implement development programs across the continent.

  • NGO: EU Must Assess Human Rights Impact of Vietnam Deal

    August 14, 2015

    The International Federation for Human Rights ("FIDH") has called on the EU to complete a human rights impact assessment on its recent trade deal with Vietnam in order to comply with EU law and to avoid prioritizing "business over the respect for human rights."

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