Business & Human Rights

  • UN Tool Targets Finance Industry on Deforestation

    July 30, 2015

    The UN Environmental Programme and the National Capital Declaration initiative have produced a study and a tool calling on financial institutions to address what these bodies identify as risks in institutions' loan and investment practices relating to deforestation.

  • Lawyers Outline Proposal for Binding BHR Arbitration

    July 29, 2015

    A proposal from two attorneys on the website of the Institute for Human Rights and Business calls for the establishment of an international tribunal that would arbitrate alleged corporate violations of the UN business and human rights ("BHR") agenda and whose awards would be enforceable around the world.

  • Assembly Report Finds Climate Risk to London Economy

    July 29, 2015

    A report from the London Assembly calls for efforts by Mayor Boris Johnson to deal with the threats of climate change to the London economy both from extreme weather events and from investments by London financial companies in what they see as unsustainable natural resource consumption.

  • Bloomer: NGOs Must Push for Successful BHR Treaty

    July 29, 2015

    Phil Bloomer of the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre has published an account of the first session of the working group charged with developing a binding treaty on business and human rights ("BHR") calling for nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") to unite to advance the treaty effort.

  • Ruggie Considers "Next Steps" in BHR Development

    July 29, 2015

    In a recent paper, Harvard University Professor John Ruggie, developer of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR"), suggests various future targets of the BHR agenda, including investor-state dispute mechanisms in international trade treaties and a binding treaty dealing with "gross" human rights violations.

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