Business & Human Rights

  • NYU Pushes BHR Agenda in Business Education

    July 27, 2015

    A profile published on MBA Today explains how the Center for Business and Human Rights ("BHR") at the New York University ("NYU") Stern School of Business has integrated the UN's BHR agenda in business education.

  • NGO: Dutch Procurement Does Not Comply with BHR Agenda

    July 27, 2015

    A press release from the nongovernmental organization ("NGO") MVO Platform argues that the Dutch Government's procurement policies focus too much on environmental issues and should include a greater focus on whether companies comply with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR").

  • IEA Official Pushes Investment Case for UN Climate Agenda

    July 24, 2015

    The chief economist of the International Energy Agency ("IEA") Fatih Birol has joined the message of the UN and environmental activists in arguing that fossil fuel firms are risking "billions" in investments by failing to heed the UN climate agenda and to take into account future policy action to counter global warming.

  • UN Pushes Companies to Join "Sustainable Development" Agenda

    July 24, 2015

    At a recent development conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called upon members of the business community to be "partners" with international organizations and governments in financing the UN's agenda on "sustainable development," which pushes global social and environmental goals.

  • UN Group Calls for BHR Inclusion in Development Goals

    July 24, 2015

    The Chairperson of the UN Working Group on business and human rights ("BHR") issues has sent a letter to national representatives to the UN calling for the incorporation of the UN Guiding Principles on BHR in the proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs") in order to ensure the accountability of corporations within the SDG framework.

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