Business & Human Rights

  • Oxfam Presses for International Tax Body at Development Meeting

    July 22, 2015

    In advance of a recent meeting on development finance at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the nongovernmental organization Oxfam has called for attendees to discuss the creation of an intergovernmental body to promote the global governance of tax policy in order to prevent corporate "tax dodging" in developing countries.

  • NGO Criticizes EU for Seeking to Undermine BHR Treaty

    July 21, 2015

    A representative of the nongovernmental organization Friends of the Earth Europe has accused EU representatives of seeking to undermine negotiations over a binding UN treaty on business and human rights ("BHR") issues.

  • BHR Ranking System Seeks Corporate Consultation

    July 21, 2015

    The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, a system that will rank companies on 50 proposed "indicators" relating to the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, is seeking contributions from businesses on their draft indicators prior to launching a pilot program to rank businesses in 2016.

  • Panel at UN Event Calls for Climate Finance Rules

    July 21, 2015

    At a recent UN event, panelists called for governments around the world to adopt new rules for financial institutions, including environmental reporting requirements, that they argued would drive forward substantial private funding of the UN's climate change agenda.

  • NGOs Produce Toolkit on Business Security and Human Rights

    July 17, 2015

    The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the International Committee of the Red Cross have published the second edition of their toolkit for corporate management of security and its impact on human rights, a guide the groups say is a "living document."

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