Business & Human Rights

  • MEPs Develop Strategy on Advancing BHR Treaty

    July 08, 2015

    The European Coalition for Corporate Justice reports that Members of the European Parliament ("MEPs") have recently held meetings on how they can advance the development of a binding treaty on business and human rights ("BHR") issues, including by placing it on the European Commission's agenda.

  • UN Agent Calls for Corporate Natural Resources Treaty

    July 08, 2015

    UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of freedom of peaceful assembly and association Maina Kiai has called for the development of a binding international treaty to advance the UN business and human rights agenda among all companies, regardless of size, in the natural resources sector.

  • AI Pushes Participation in BHR Treaty Process

    July 07, 2015

    On the eve of the first session of a UN working group developing a binding treaty on business and human rights ("BHR"), Amnesty International ("AI") has called on all countries to participate in the creation of a broad, binding treaty that addresses "gaps" in the current framework of the UN Guiding Principles on BHR.

  • Dutch Bank Joins BHR Reporting Framework

    July 07, 2015

    The UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, an initiative of nongovernmental organization Shift and consultancy Mazars that pushes companies to report on their implementation of the UN business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, has announced that Dutch bank ABN AMRO is the first bank to join the framework.

  • Paper: Failed Treaty Process Would Advance BHR Movement

    July 07, 2015

    A paper published by the Coalition for Peace and Ethics argues that, even though the process of developing a binding business and human rights ("BHR") treaty will likely fail, it is still useful for advocates of the UN's BHR agenda in advancing a "coherent structure" for BHR governance.

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