Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs Push Remedies for BHR Violations

    July 01, 2015

    Two nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") that push for global recognition of the UN business and human rights ("BHR") agenda are forming a joint project calling for countries to eliminate barriers to judicial and nonjudicial remedies for alleged victims of BHR violations.

  • NGO: Corporate Lawyers Need Human Rights Expertise

    June 26, 2015

    As a growing number of law organizations promote a duty of attorneys to push the global business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, Lise Smit of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law writes that corporate lawyers must develop the knowledge to advise their clients on human rights due diligence.

  • NHRI Committee Calls for Binding BHR Treaty

    June 26, 2015

    Finding an escalation in corporate business and human rights ("BHR") violations despite the UN Guiding Principles on BHR, a committee of National Human Rights Institutions ("NHRIs") has supported the development of a legally binding BHR treaty that would apply both to transnational and domestic businesses.

  • Paper Calls for "Non-National" BHR Enforcement Mechanisms

    June 26, 2015

    A paper by Nicolás Zambrana Tévar of the Kazakhstan Institute of Management argues that the development of "non-national enforcement mechanisms," such as mediation and arbitration, could be useful in solving business and human rights ("BHR") disputes in the context of transnational businesses.

  • NCPs: Strengthen Grievance Mechanism Against Businesses

    June 24, 2015

    At their recent annual meeting, the National Contact Points ("NCPs") for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises called for countries to stiffen penalties against companies that decline to participate in the NCP grievance process and for greater funding to carry out their mandate.

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