Business & Human Rights

  • NGOs: Ban Oil and Gas Companies from Climate Talks

    June 17, 2015

    Reuters reports that a group of environmental nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") are calling for a ban on the participation of oil and gas companies in upcoming negotiations over a binding global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • UN Group Seeks BHR Component in "Sustainability" Agenda

    June 17, 2015

    The UN Working Group on business and human rights ("BHR") issues has called upon countries and the UN system to build their negotiations over international agreements, including on trade, and the UN "sustainable development" agenda on the framework of the UN Guiding Principles on BHR.

  • UN Working Group Pushes G7 on Supply Chain Pledge

    June 17, 2015

    The UN Working Group for business and human rights ("BHR") issues has called upon the G7 group of countries to follow up on its support for the UN Guiding Principles on BHR by holding companies to account for and require them to report on human rights and environmental issues in their supply chains.

  • UN Initiative Focuses on Corporate "Rule of Law" Practices

    June 17, 2015

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published an article praising a new UN initiative called "Business for the Rule of Law" that will seek to pressure businesses to include in their operations standard practices promoting the broad concept of the rule of law.

  • NCP Seeks Impact Assessments of Company's Security Contracts

    June 12, 2015

    The UK National Contact Point ("NCP") for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") has published an opinion calling for the company G4S to assess the human rights effects of contracts under which it provides security services in Israel.

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