Business & Human Rights

  • IKEA, UN Agency Push for Supply Chain Scrutiny

    June 12, 2015

    In a long-term plan under which companies would be pressured to accept responsibility for the "sustainability" of their forest supply chains, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and furniture retailer IKEA have announced an initiative in which they will explore funding for forest "certification" schemes.

  • NGO Pushes Business Contributions to Climate Fund

    June 11, 2015

    An analysis from the nongovernmental organization World Resources Institute seeks an expanded contribution from businesses to a global climate fund that would finance the reduction of greenhouse emissions and build climate-resistant infrastructure in developing countries.

  • AI Calls for African Corporate Monitoring Bodies

    June 11, 2015

    At the recent World Economic Forum meeting in South Africa, Amnesty International ("AI") pushed for a set of international monitoring bodies that would monitor businesses in Africa on issues it argues have human rights impacts, including land acquisitions and corporate tax avoidance.

  • G7 Countries Support Global BHR Agenda

    June 10, 2015

    In a recent statement by leaders of the G7 group of countries, under the heading "Responsible Supply Chains," the leaders called for advancement of the UN business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, adoption of BHR national action plans, and requirements that companies perform human rights due diligence.

  • CIGI Seeks Standardized Financial Risk Disclosure on Climate

    June 10, 2015

    The Centre for International Governance Innovation ("CIGI") has published a report calling for the standardization of a financial disclosure regime under which companies would be required to disclose investment risks caused by global warming.

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