Kelly: G-7 Advances Burdensome BHR Agenda
June 09, 2015
In a recent interview, President of Solidarity Center for Law and Justice Jim Kelly explains how the G-7 group of nations' support for the UN agenda on business and human rights ("BHR") could impose costly, UN-driven regulations on businesses and deter them from spurring economic growth in developing countries.
NGO Group Issues Demands for Binding BHR Treaty
June 03, 2015
As a UN working group prepares to develop the content of a binding business and human rights ("BHR") treaty, sought by activists to help finance the global economic and social rights agenda, a group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") has produced a statement with broad demands for such a binding treaty.
UN Praises Companies Calling for Carbon Tax
June 03, 2015
Correlating the development with UN pressure on companies to implement the international climate change agenda, the UN Global Compact applauded a statement by a group of energy companies calling for governments to impose taxes on corporations for their carbon emissions.
ICJ Outlines Issues Involved in Development of BHR Treaty
June 03, 2015
The International Commission of Jurists ("ICJ") recently held a workshop to highlight issues the UN working group on the development of a binding business and human rights ("BHR") treaty must consider, including criminal liability of corporations and the development of an international BHR judicial body.
Academic Highlights Influence of NGOs on Businesses
June 03, 2015
Professor Menno Kamminga illustrates how nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") are placing pressure on companies to accept the UN business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, arguing that businesses that do not respond to NGO human rights reports are not taking their BHR obligations seriously.