Business & Human Rights

  • UN Praises Companies Calling for Carbon Tax

    June 03, 2015

    Correlating the development with UN pressure on companies to implement the international climate change agenda, the UN Global Compact applauded a statement by a group of energy companies calling for governments to impose taxes on corporations for their carbon emissions.

  • ICJ Outlines Issues Involved in Development of BHR Treaty

    June 03, 2015

    The International Commission of Jurists ("ICJ") recently held a workshop to highlight issues the UN working group on the development of a binding business and human rights ("BHR") treaty must consider, including criminal liability of corporations and the development of an international BHR judicial body.

  • Academic Highlights Influence of NGOs on Businesses

    June 03, 2015

    Professor Menno Kamminga illustrates how nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") are placing pressure on companies to accept the UN business and human rights ("BHR") agenda, arguing that businesses that do not respond to NGO human rights reports are not taking their BHR obligations seriously.

  • NGO and Inter-American Commission Collaborate on BHR

    June 03, 2015

    The Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights have agreed to cooperate to advance the UN agenda on business and human rights ("BHR") issues throughout the Americas.

  • Oxfam Calls for Closing Global Corporate Tax "Loopholes"

    June 03, 2015

    Criticizing existing international efforts to equitably distribute corporate taxation as ineffective, the nongovernmental organization Oxfam has called on countries to reform global tax rules for businesses in order, among other things, to promote economic equality in Africa.

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