NGO and Inter-American Commission Collaborate on BHR
June 03, 2015
The Danish Institute for Human Rights and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights have agreed to cooperate to advance the UN agenda on business and human rights ("BHR") issues throughout the Americas.
Oxfam Calls for Closing Global Corporate Tax "Loopholes"
June 03, 2015
Criticizing existing international efforts to equitably distribute corporate taxation as ineffective, the nongovernmental organization Oxfam has called on countries to reform global tax rules for businesses in order, among other things, to promote economic equality in Africa.
GRI Predicts Real-time Corporate Sustainability Reporting
June 03, 2015
The Global Reporting Initiative, which produces international standards for public corporate reporting, has called on businesses to be prepared in the coming decade for increased pressure to provide real-time, digital reporting on their efforts to implement global sustainability standards.
UN Calls on Countries to Adopt "Climate Finance" Agenda
June 02, 2015
A new report from the UN Environment Programme pressures countries to adopt broad financial policies that divert investments from fossil fuel projects and resources and require public reporting by companies on climate issues in order to combat global warming.
UNICEF UK Seeks Update to UK National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
June 01, 2015
UNICEF UK details three steps it believes the UK Government should take to further pressure businesses to respect human rights under the UK National Action Plan.