Business & Human Rights

  • IHRB Seeks U.S. Acceptance of BHR in Africa Investments

    August 06, 2014

    The Institute for Human Rights and Business ("IHRB") has called for the U.S. Government to seek adherence to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") and other internationally developed BHR standards in promoting "responsible investment" in African countries.

  • GRI, China Launch CSR Initiative

    August 06, 2014

    At a conference in Beijing, the Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") and the State Information Center of China launched the China Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR") Monitoring and Evaluation System to pressure Chinese businesses to abide by and report on their performance regarding CSR in their operations.

  • Rhodes: BHR Treaty Process Has Diluting Effect on Human Rights

    July 30, 2014

    Aaron Rhodes writes that the approval by the UN Human Rights Council of the development of a business and human rights ("BHR") treaty will have little effect in countries with the worst human rights records and will draw attention away from the effective protection of citizens through democratic participation.

  • Former U.K. MP: Corporations Should Take Lead on Sustainability

    July 30, 2014

    In a new book, former U.K. Member of Parliament ("MP") Tom Levitt argues that companies are "brimming over with resources" that could be repurposed to help solve environmental, social, and humanitarian problems, and that they should take the lead in dealing with such issues.

  • U.K. MPs Call for Business Action on Corruption

    July 30, 2014

    Two British Members of Parliament ("MPs") have published an article pushing for businesses to "play their part in preventing corruption," including by adhering to industry standards of conduct that are stricter than U.K. legal requirements.

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