Business & Human Rights

  • NGO Seeks to Force Pensions to Consider Climate Risks

    May 08, 2015

    The nongovernmental organization ("NGO") ClientEarth has launched an initiative that will challenge pension funds that, in the view of the NGO, are not fulfilling their "legal" obligation to consider the risks of climate change in their investment decisions.

  • Unilever Pushes Activist Agenda on Climate Change

    May 08, 2015

    The Chief Executive Officer of Unilever Paul Polman writes in The Guardian that his company has adopted the UN's agenda on sustainability and climate change, in part by forming a new organization of businesses, governments, and activist groups called Tropical Forest Alliance 2020.

  • Institutions Push for Ambitious EU CSR Strategy

    May 07, 2015

    The European Network of National Human Rights Institutions has published a document in which it pushes for the EU to adopt broad portions of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") and other global BHR mechanisms in its upcoming policy on corporate social responsibility ("CSR").

  • Academics Push for More Effective NCP System

    May 07, 2015

    Professors John Ruggie and Tamaryn Nelson of Harvard University have called on countries to make their national contact points ("NCP") for implementing the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises more effective by penalizing companies that decline to engage in the NCP process.

  • UN Agent: Secret TTIP Investment Tribunal Violates Rights

    May 06, 2015

    The Guardian reports that UN Independent Expert Alfred de Zayas has called for negotiations of a U.S.-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ("TTIP") to be suspended due to concern that inclusion of a "secret" tribunal for resolving disputes between corporations and governments violates human rights.

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