Business & Human Rights

  • UN Group Outlines Binding Security Contractor Treaty

    May 06, 2015

    The UN Working Group on the use of mercenaries has published a concept note that explores a possible binding international treaty regulating private military and security companies.

  • NGOs Push BHR Agenda in Indonesia

    May 04, 2015

    A group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") recently held a workshop with Indonesian business and civil society representatives in Jakarta calling on businesses to advance the UN's "sustainability" agenda by adopting the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR").

  • Company Faces Penalties for Not Participating in NCP Process

    April 29, 2015

    The Canadian National Contact Point ("NCP") for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises has announced that mining company China Gold may no longer receive advocacy support from the Government after it failed to respond to requests for NCP mediation over human rights allegations against the company.

  • NGOs Allege Insufficient Conflict Minerals Reporting

    April 29, 2015

    The nongovernmental organizations Amnesty International and Global Witness have accused dozens of U.S. companies of shirking their duty under U.S. law to report on their efforts to avoid using conflict minerals in their operations by failing to sufficiently check their supply chains.

  • China, UN Report Pushes for "Green Finance" System

    April 29, 2015

    China's central bank, in coordination with the UN Environment Programme, has released a report calling for more steps toward "green finance," in which the Government would steer more financing toward "climate-friendly" projects.

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