Business & Human Rights

  • ECCJ Seeks Stricter Corporate Reporting Requirements

    June 20, 2014

    Despite praising the EU non-financial reporting directive as a "significant step" toward requiring business human rights and environmental reporting, the European Coalition for Corporate Justice ("ECCJ") indicates the EU and member states should tighten requirements on businesses to report on these issues.

  • FOEI Seeks Protection of Human Right to the Environment

    June 20, 2014

    Friends of the Earth International ("FOEI") has published a report going beyond current UN business and human rights principles to make a radical call for the protection of the rights of nature and people to restrict corporations from contributing to environmental harm.

  • AI Calls for More UN Action on BHR Initiatives

    June 20, 2014

    Amnesty International ("AI") has published a statement calling for the UN Human Rights Council to pressure member states to do more to regulate business and human rights ("BHR") issues and to develop international law on BHR standards.

  • Amnesty Publishes Guide for Financing Extractive Industry

    June 20, 2014

    Amnesty Netherlands recently released a report pressuring financial companies to promote respect of human rights in the mining, oil, and gas corporations in which they invest and to take into account the human rights records of such companies when deciding whether to finance them.

  • IBA Creates Business and Human Rights Working Group

    June 20, 2014

    The International Bar Association ("IBA") has established a working group that will, among other things, encourage bar associations to develop strategies for implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights into legal practice.

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