Business & Human Rights

  • Oxfam Criticizes IFC's Lack of Focus on BHR

    April 10, 2015

    A report from the nongovernmental organization Oxfam criticizes the International Finance Corporation ("IFC"), a part of the World Bank Group focused on private development, for not monitoring whether its funds are used in projects that do not measure up to the UN's business and human rights ("BHR") agenda.

  • WEF Announces "Social Entrepreneurship" Program

    April 09, 2015

    The World Economic Forum ("WEF") has announced that the Schwab Foundation and the Harvard Kennedy School have launched an executive education course focused on how to tackle "systemic" social issues through their work in the business world.

  • Activists Criticize Coca-Cola BHR Efforts as Insufficient

    April 09, 2015

    A group of activists and others at a recent World Bank conference criticized a Coca-Cola report denying so-called "land grabs" by its sugar suppliers in Guatemala as insufficient and sought an array of information on the right of the sugar suppliers to their land.

  • WEF Report Pushes "Socially Responsible" Supply Chain

    April 09, 2015

    As part of the push of international organizations and activists for companies to take responsibility for any social and environmental impacts of their supply chains, a report from the World Economic Forum ("WEF") emphasizes the beneficial effects of a "socially responsible" supply chain.

  • UN Official: Countries Face "Duty" to Uphold BHR Standards

    April 08, 2015

    The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein writes that governments face a "duty" under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") to hold companies to account through their court systems for alleged human rights violations.

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