Business & Human Rights

  • Energy Companies Agree to Methane Reporting

    October 08, 2014

    Under UN pressure, a group of companies in the oil and gas industry has agreed to a partnership in which they will systematically monitor and issue reports on their work to reduce methane emissions and combat global warming.

  • Corporations Set up Anti-Global Warming Venture

    October 08, 2014

    Under pressure from nongovernmental organizations to advance environmentally friendly causes, a group of multinational corporations has set up a website, which may expand into a global organization, that seeks to "activate" young people in the fight against climate change.

  • NGO Pushes Investors to Report Fossil Fuel Divestment

    October 08, 2014

    The Asset Owners Disclosure Project is placing pressure on institutional investors to disclose whether they are advancing the international agenda against climate change by divesting from "high carbon assets."

  • UN Launches Initiative to Bind Companies to Development Goals

    October 08, 2014

    The UN Global Compact has announced a partnership with the Global Reporting Initiative and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development to guide businesses on performing impact assessments and tailoring their operations to achieve a set of UN "sustainable development goals" to be released next year.

  • Academics Call for Robust U.S. Action Plan on BHR

    October 08, 2014

    The Directors of the Stern Center for Business and Human Rights ("BHR") have called upon President Obama "to set the standard for government action" on international BHR principles in the coming U.S. BHR national action plan, including bolstering U.S. foreign policy to prevent human rights violations.

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