Business & Human Rights

  • Activists Call for International Arbitration Tribunal on BHR

    October 08, 2014

    In recent remarks, Claes Cronstedt, who is on a nongovernmental "working group" on business and human rights ("BHR") arbitration, called for the establishment of an international arbitration tribunal with the authority to issue binding decisions in BHR disputes.

  • EU Adopts Directive on Corporate Non-financial Reporting

    October 01, 2014

    The Council of the EU has adopted a directive providing for the reporting of non-financial information, on human rights, environmental, and other impacts, by large corporations across the bloc, paving the way for its entering into force in 20 days.

  • U.S. Will Develop National Action Plan for BHR Implementation

    October 01, 2014

    President Barack Obama has announced that the U.S. will develop a formal National Action Plan to implement the principles set out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ("BHR") and the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises.

  • Activist Finds Capitalism at Fault for Climate Change

    October 01, 2014

    Canadian author Naomi Klein has published a book calling for a transition from a capitalist system in order to counter global warming.

  • NGOs Seek Binding EU Conflict Minerals Rules

    October 01, 2014

    A group of nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") have called on the European Parliament to overhaul a proposal of the European Commission in order to require a large number of European companies to investigate their supply chains and report on the use of so-called "conflict minerals" in their operations.

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