Business & Human Rights

  • Governments, Businesses Join Methane Pledge at UN Summit

    September 24, 2014

    As the UN continued its blitz seeking to push businesses and governments to commit to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming, the UN announced a new pledge by oil and gas companies, as well as several countries, to cut future methane emissions.

  • UN Launches International Initiative on Efficient Appliances

    September 24, 2014

    The UN Environment Programme has announced the Efficient Appliances and Equipment Partnership, a group of international and nongovernmental organizations and businesses seeking to pressure governments to restrict appliances deemed not to be "energy efficient."

  • Under Pressure, Financiers Divest from Fossil Fuels

    September 24, 2014

    Amid pressure from the UN, nongovernmental organizations, and individuals such as Desmond Tutu, who recently compared funding fossil fuels to financing apartheid, the Rockefeller family and other investors have recently announced their divestment from fossil fuels in order to combat climate change.

  • UN Pushes Business Leaders on Carbon Policies

    September 24, 2014

    At the recent climate summit in New York, the UN Global Compact called for businesses to abide by its "Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing," under which companies must integrate carbon pricing into their business strategies and issue public reports on their progress.

  • UN, African Union Agree to Implement BHR Principles

    September 24, 2014

    In the first "African Forum on Business and Human Rights," officials from the UN and the African Union agreed to implement internationally developed principles on business and human rights ("BHR") in Africa, including placing pressure on governments to develop "national action plans" on BHR principles. 

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