Business & Human Rights

  • Global Developments in ESG Disclosures May Have a Significant Impact on U.S. Companies

    March 15, 2023

    Risk and financial advisor group Kroll reports that environmental, social and governance (ESG) regulatory initiatives from the European Union (EU), International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) may have significant ramifications on U.S. companies.

  • « Woke » Programs Pushed as Silicon Valley Bank Collapsed

    March 15, 2023

    As Silicon Valley Bank was failing, bank leadership, including a head of risk management continued to invest in « woke » initiatives such as LGBTQ+ programs encompassing a “safe space” for coming-out stories.

  • U.S. Congress Votes to Block Biden ESG Initiative

    March 08, 2023

    A resolution to overturn the Labor Department rule that enables fund managers to consider environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues for investments and shareholder rights decisions passed both houses of Congress and will be sent to President Biden, who is expected to veto the measure.

  • U.S. Conservatives have the Potential to Beat ESG

    March 01, 2023

    Russ Greene and Stephen R. Soukup writing in National Review Online give a detailed overview of the long history of the Environmental, Society and Governance (ESG) movement as well as an analysis of the ability of American conservatives to defeat the expansion of ESG policies.

  • Gumbs: Evaluation of the Universal Proxy

    March 01, 2023

    Keir Gumbs writing in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance explores the background of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s universal proxy rule that took effect last year and offers an early evaluation.

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