Business & Human Rights

  • Ruggie Expresses Concern over BHR Treaty Vote

    July 14, 2014

    Following the vote of the UN Human Rights Council to create an open-ended process for creating a binding treaty on business and human rights ("BHR") issues, John Ruggie argues that such a process may lead to nonimplementation of the UN Guiding Principles on BHR and to fewer human rights protections.

  • UN Working Group Releases Principles on NAP Development

    July 14, 2014

    The UN Working Group on business and human rights issues has published a report pushing governments to implement what it views as the key principles in the development of national action plans ("NAPs") on business and human rights and seeking input on reviewing and following up on such NAPs.

  • U.S., EU Search for Middle Ground at HRC on Business Issues

    July 14, 2014

    As the U.S. and EU seek to explain their votes at the UN Human Rights Council ("HRC") against a process to develop a treaty on business and human rights issues, proponents of the treaty dismiss their arguments that they will not be bound to support the treaty development process as "nonsense."

  • Shift Calls for Embedding of Human Rights Culture in Corporations

    July 14, 2014

    The nongovernmental organization Shift has published guidance on steps it believes corporations should take to embed human rights due diligence, including reporting on and protecting human rights in business operations, in company culture.

  • NGOs Develop "Toolkit" for BHR Action Plans

    July 14, 2014

    The nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") the Danish Institute for Human Rights and the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable have published a "toolkit" on the development and implementation of national action plans on business and human rights ("BHR") issues.

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