Under NGO Pressure, Businesses Call for Climate Change Action
July 14, 2014
As nongovernmental organizations ("NGOs") ramp up pressure on corporations to support action on global warming, Oxfam has announced that CEOs and hundreds of businesses have signed on to a statement supporting a global agreement combating climate change.
Shift Report Pushes Remediation Mechanisms for BHR
July 14, 2014
The nongovernmental organization Shift has published a report on a recent workshop that promotes the idea of establishing corporate "grievance" and other remedial mechanisms for redressing past alleged violations of international business and human rights ("BHR") principles.
HRC Resolution Calls for BHR Treaty Working Group
July 11, 2014
The UN Human Rights Council ("HRC") has adopted a resolution calling for a new working group to develop a binding treaty on business and human rights ("BHR") issues.
UN Forms Business Steering Group on Rule of Law
July 11, 2014
UN Global Compact has announced the members of its steering group on "Business for the Rule of Law," which will place pressure on global businesses to abide by and promote the rule of law in their operations.
UN Holds "Caring for Climate" Summit in China
July 11, 2014
The UN Global Compact recently hosted a conference in Beijing with representatives from the UN, governments, and businesses to promote the adoption of green energy policies by companies and governments and to educate young people in China on the dangers of global warming.