Right Aid uses Facial Recognition Technology in Hundreds of its Stores Nationwide
July 29, 2020
Reuters: Rite Aid installed facial recognition technology over the last eight years from a company with links to China's authoritarian government in over 200 stores nationwide, mainly in metro New York and L.A.
Politico: Digital Tax on U.S. Tech Giants Faces Headwinds
July 29, 2020
According to Politico, the prospect of a Europe-wide digital tax on digital giants such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon is meeting bi-partisan headwinds from the Trump Administration and U.S. lawmakers, who, in response, have threatened to impose tariffs on popular U.S. imports of national products from Europe.
Top MEP Accuses VW of being Complicit in the Oppression of the Uighur Minority in China.
July 27, 2020
Reinhard Bütikofer, the chair of the European Parliament's delegation for relations with China, has slammed Volkswagen for not confronting China over its mistreatment of the Uighur minority in a region where the German carmaker has a factory.
Advertising Giants Agree to Evaluate Mutual Definition of Hate Speech
July 20, 2020
The Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), which includes advertising giants and big tech companies, is evaluating whether it is possible to develop an industry-wide standard, but non-binding, definition of what constitutes "hate speech."
U.S. Warns Firms About Sanctions for Work on Russian Pipelines
July 20, 2020
U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo announced that sanctions will be placed on firms working on the installation of the Russian pipeline Nord Stream 2, calling the project “the Kremlin's key tool to exploit and expand European dependence on Russian energy supplies” that “ultimately undermine transatlantic security.”