Business & Human Rights

  • Kadomtsev: Have Social Media Companies Become the New "Arbiters of Truth"?

    June 10, 2020

    Writing in Modern Diplomacy, Andrei Kadomtsev opines that, as, during the COVID-19 pandemic, multinational media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, exhibited the capacity to check the spread of false information, fake news, and panic rumors, politicians, policymakers and activists are now calling for these companies to aggressively fight against other "content harmful to society."

  • Schools Turn to Surveillance Tech to Prevent Spread of COVID-19

    June 09, 2020

    As schools plan their re-opening during the persistent COVID-19 pandemic, some are considering the use of surveillance technology, including at least one school district testing a system that would require each student to wear an electronic beacon to monitor their location, contacts, and meeting patterns.

  • Google Sued Over Data Collection from Users in Incognito Mode

    June 07, 2020

    Google, which has recently been faced with legal challenges around the world over its intrusive data collection practices, is being hit with a class action lawsuit in the U.S. claiming that its tracking of users in private modes violates user privacy.

  • HRW urges US Senate Judiciary Committee to reject the EARN IT Act

    June 03, 2020

    According to Human Rights Watch, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee should reject the EARN IT Act on the basis that it would jeopardize privacy and free expression rights without effectively protecting children from online sexual exploitation.

  • WaPo: COVID-19 Contract-Tracing App Violates Its Own Privacy Policy

    May 27, 2020

    A new analysis of one of the first of a handful of U.S. contact-tracing apps, North and South Dakota's Care19, finds it violates its own privacy policy by sharing citizen location and other personal data with an outside company.

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