Business & Human Rights

  • China Export of Surveillance Technology Could Yield Data Benefits for Communist Party

    October 08, 2019

    According to some experts, China's push to export its surveillance technology via some of its biggest companies, including to liberal democracies, has raised concerns because of the risk of data being siphoned back to Beijing and the growing influence of the Communist Party.

  • UN Global Compact Launches CFO Network to Advance SDGs

    October 02, 2019

    The United Nations Global Compact has launched the first network for Chief Financial Officers focused on advancing the Sustainable Development Goals through corporate strategy and investments.

  • OECD/UNDP Initiative Leading to Increased Tax Collections

    September 26, 2019

    According to the new Annual Report of Tax Inspectors Without Borders ("TIWB"), a joint OECD/UNDP program, the international community has made important progress in improving developing countries’ ability to tax multinational enterprises and boost domestic revenue, with the TIWB initiative generating nearly $500 million in additional revenue for developing countries through April 2019.

  • OECD Launches Tool to Analyze Support for SDGs

    September 26, 2019

    To provide more information about the financing of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), the OCED has launched the SDG Financing Lab, an interactive website that quantifies the contribution of different donors to the SDGs and helps increase transparency and improve the impact of aid.

  • UK NGO Claims Brexit Will Aggravate Human Slavery and Trafficking

    September 25, 2019

    Citing a report by the Social Market Foundation, Harry Sanders of the Immigration Advice Service claims that Brexit will increase the number of cases of modern slavery and trafficking, as "legal migration routes close and UK businesses suffer from vast workforce shortages in the face of diluted access to talent pools."

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