Democracy Impacts

  • The Continued Rise of National Conservatism

    July 02, 2024

    As national conservatism continues to gain momentum throughout Europe and the world, Angelos Chryssogelos of the London School of Economics and Political Science discusses possible motivations behind the trend.

  • European Voting Shifts Right

    June 11, 2024

    As voting for members of the EU Parliament continues to shift right, Vox's Ellen Ioanes considers the effects this may have on European Union policies and, more importantly, the internal politics of individual member states.

  • Turkey’s anti-Erdogan opposition vows a reset on EU and NATO

    March 15, 2023

    In the upcoming elections, Turkey’s opposition, led by Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, is campaigning that should he take office, he can unfreeze European Union accession talks and will end Ankara’s veto on NATO membership for Sweden and Finland, as well as implement the European Court of Human Rights decisions calling for the release of two of Erdoğan’s best-known opponents.

  • Germany Agrees to Send Tanks to Ukraine

    January 25, 2023

    After many contentious weeks, Germany has agreed to send Leopard 2 heavy battle tanks to aide Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

  • Will 2023 See a New Alliance between the European and American Conservatives?

    January 04, 2023

    Stefano Graziosi and James Jay Carafano join together to explore the latest political movements of the conservative parties in the United States and Europe, in particular the potential for a new transatlantic alliance with Italy’s recent election of Georgia Meloni.

  • Brussels recommends freezing €7.5 billion in EU funds to Hungary over rule of law concerns

    November 30, 2022

    Despite numerous reforms out of Budapest, The European Commission has ruled that Hungary’s actions are inadequate and has recommended that €7.5 billion of EU funds be withheld.

  • Poland is Quickly becoming the Leading Military Force

    November 23, 2022

    Poland has steadily been increasing their military strength, quickly becoming a leading Force in Continental Europe, and key ally in NATO signing huge deals with both the United States and Korea.

  • UK Prime Minister to Revive the British Bill of Rights

    November 07, 2022

    As new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak sets his agenda, including handling the intensifying migrant crisis, he will revive the British Bill of Rights in order to give the UK courts supremacy over the European Court of Human Rights, based in Strasbourg, France.

  • Strasbourg Airport’s Deal with Chinese Tech Firm Raises Concerns for EU Parliament Members

    October 18, 2022

    Strasbourg Airport deal with Chinese tech firm Nuctech is causing concern with European Parliament members who fear that the firm would be subject to China's state control, open up cybersecurity risks and allow Chinese authorities access to passenger and commercial information.

  • EU Crisis Chief Calls for More Power for the Bloc

    August 17, 2022

    The European Union’s head of Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič pushes a change to current EU treaty that would allow an expansion of the blocs power, opening the door to its own civil force.

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