Democracy Impacts

  • ECtHR Rules that Erdogan Violated Free Speech of Opponent

    October 28, 2020

    The European Court of Human Rights has found Turkey, who is a member of the Council of Europe, violated the free speech of a top opposition figure, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, who was convicted over criticism of Recep Tayyip Erdogan eight years ago.

  • Lee: Macron's Attempt to Craft New French Islam is Flawed

    October 28, 2020

    Writing in National Review, Martha Lee examines Macron's government-led, Islamist-managed initiative to create a new, moderate French Islam that aligns with France's republican values, free of foreign influence.

  • Spanish Prime Minister Proposes Changes for Judicial Appointments

    October 21, 2020

    Spain's Prime Minister Sanchez has proposed changing how members of the country's top judicial body, the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), are appointed, which has triggered a political and judicial storm about the independence of the institution.

  • EU's Top Court Rules Hungary’s Crackdown on Soros-Linked Schools Ruled Illegal

    October 09, 2020

    In a new ruling, the European Court of Justice rejected Hungary’s law limiting the operation of foreign-funded colleges in Hungary, such as the George Soros-linked Central European University.

  • French President to Invigorate Fight against "Islamist Separatism"

    October 05, 2020

    French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that he will fight "Islamist Separatism" in France, where homegrown Islamist militancy has shown signs of radicalization within Muslim communities, including the refusal of Muslim men to shake women’s hands, swimming pools that impose alternate time slots for men and women, girls being told to wear full-face veils, and a proliferation of ‘madrassa’ religious school

  • The EU will conduct its First-Ever Audit on Rule-of-Law

    September 30, 2020

    In a move to further create cohesion within the bloc, the European Union will conduct its first-ever audit on rule-of-law, focusing on four issues across all 27 EU countries: national justice systems, the fight against corruption, media pluralism and freedom, and checks and balances.

  • French Officials Vexed by EU Parliament No Show in Strasbourg

    September 14, 2020

    Despite France's efforts to ensure health safety during the Coronavirus pandemic, the European Parliament has decided not to hold its next plenary session in Strasbourg as is the norm, but in Brussels, resulting in criticism from French officials who referred to the decision as "incomprehensible".

  • Green: Identity Politics is Accelerating the Erosion of Liberalism

    September 09, 2020

    According to David Green, director of British Think Tank, Civitas, just as a new form of righteous intimidation politics has taken root, creating a significant break from the traditional values of a liberal democracy, the UK Government has established the Commission of Race and Ethnic Disparities (CRED) to investigate disparities between ethnic groups.

  • Politico: Washington Stands with E.U. to push for a New Election in Belarus

    September 07, 2020

    Following weeks of protests after last months controversial elections in Belarus of President Lukashenko, the European Union, with the help of transatlantic partners, including the United States, is aiming to reinstate sanctions that were rescinded in 2016 against the longtime leader as several human rights violations have become known, including 450 documented cases of torture.

  • EU Tensions Mount as Britain Refuses to Concede in Negotiations

    September 07, 2020

    As deadlines near and negotiating tensions grow, Britain has informed EU negotiators that the final details of the arrangement must respect UK national sovereignty, with David Frost, the UK’s chief negotiator, vowing that the UK would not become a “client state” of the EU by agreeing a trade deal that includes so-called “level playing field” clauses setting common rules and standards for both sides.

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