Democracy Impacts

  • Report Reveals Scaled-Back U.K.-EU Renegotiation

    June 03, 2015

    A new report from Business for Britain describes areas where U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron may have recently scaled back his stated ambitions for a renegotiation of competences with the EU, including on social and employment policy and national government vetoes over Brussels legislation.

  • Officials Explore Option of "Two-speed" EU

    June 03, 2015

    The Independent reports that in response to the U.K.'s negotiation of a new relationship with Europe, comments from leaders in the EU institutions and member states indicate that some are open to considering a "two-speed" Europe in which not all countries must commit to continued integration.

  • Article Predicts Reforms Will Pull Apart EU

    June 03, 2015

    An article in Market Watch concludes that repatriation of powers from the EU institutions to national governments will eventually lead to the destruction of the European project.

  • Ombudsman Warns on Lack of EU Transparency

    June 02, 2015

    The Irish Times reports that the EU Ombudsman has announced that lack of transparency among the European institutions topped complaints to the body's office last year, and that it would open an investigation into the transparency of "trilogue" meetings, in which the institutions meet regarding EU legislation.

  • Elliott: Not All U.K. Businesses Favor EU

    May 29, 2015

    Matthew Elliott of Business for Britain writes that, far from presenting a unified voice in favor of staying in the EU, business leaders in the U.K. have a wide range of opinions on whether Britain should remain in the bloc and tend to back calls for EU reform.

  • Hannan Outlines U.K.-EU Reforms Acceptable to Euroskeptics

    May 28, 2015

    U.K. Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan writes that, prior to the country's EU referendum, Prime Minister David Cameron could satisfy British euroskeptics by asserting parliamentary sovereignty over EU authority and negotiating the ability to make trade deals with non-EU countries.

  • Danish Minister Warns U.K. on "Opt-Out" Regime

    May 28, 2015

    The Foreign Minister of Denmark Martin Lidegaard has stated recently that he would warn the British Government, prior to negotiations over taking back powers from the EU, that Denmark's regime of EU "opt-outs" on issues like justice and defense have produced problems for the country.

  • New U.K. Migrant Rules Require EU Reform

    May 27, 2015

    Pawel Swidlicki of Open Europe writes that in order to achieve his goal of reducing migration from the EU, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron must convince EU and other national leaders that the bloc’s free movement principle must take into account an array of benefits systems.

  • Redwood: EU Negotiation Should Return U.K. Sovereignty

    May 21, 2015

    Arguing that the U.K. veto over intrusive Brussels regulations has encountered "remorseless erosion," John Redwood MP writes that the British renegotiation of powers with the EU should focus on a complete return of sovereignty to U.K. voters.

  • Lynn: Businesses Should Seek EU Reform

    May 21, 2015

    Matthew Lynn writes that instead of repeating "scare stories" predicting catastrophic consequences of the U.K. leaving the EU, businesses should call for common-sense reforms to the EU-U.K. relationship that would foster growth, such as returning financial regulatory power to Britain.

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