Democracy Impacts

  • Euroskeptic Party Enters Assembly in Hamburg

    February 25, 2015

    The Economist reports that Alternative for Germany ("AfD") has entered its first assembly in West Germany as the euroskeptic party and the liberal Free Democrats have attracted voters from German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union.

  • U.K. Euroskeptics See WTO as Alternative to EU

    February 20, 2015

    Participants at a conference on alternatives to EU membership held in London examined increased reliance on membership in the World Trade Organization ("WTO") and the ability to negotiate trade deals without the consent of other EU member states as advantages of leaving the EU.

  • Civitas: Norway's EU Relationship Offers Example to U.K.

    February 13, 2015

    In a recent report, British think tank Civitas argues that the U.K. could say billions of pounds each year and maintain a close trading relationship with EU countries if they negotiated a new deal with the EU that resembles the current arrangement between the bloc and Norway.

  • Juncker Withdraws Paper that Could Spur EU Reform

    February 12, 2015

    The Telegraph reports that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has withdrawn a paper on "stronger economic policy coordination" in the EU, which U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron planned to use as a basis to negotiate EU reforms, due to potential "repercussions" in the upcoming British elections.

  • Heath Warns of Rift in Euroskeptic Parties

    February 11, 2015

    Allister Heath writes that mainstream euroskeptics in Britain should use their libertarian, pro-free market policies as an example to countries across Europe that are increasingly supporting populist, socialist parties advocating for dissolution of the EU.

  • Group Lays out Ten Needed Reforms to EU-U.K. Relationship

    February 04, 2015

    Business for Britain's Matthew Elliott has published a list of ten reforms needed for the U.K. to remain in the EU, including "an end to 'ever closer union.'"

  • Telegraph Details Drop in EU Support

    January 28, 2015

    An article in The Telegraph demonstrates a drop in support for the European project in countries across the EU and the rise in popularity of parties calling for a return of authority to national governments in the bloc.

  • Article Seeks Expanded EU in Response to Backlash

    January 28, 2015

    As support for EU centralization ebbs in countries across Europe, Carnegie Europe has published an article calling for the EU to respond by expanding its operations to make it seem more relevant in Europeans' daily lives.

  • British MP Calls for Scrutiny of Ministers' EU Decisions

    January 20, 2015

    U.K. Member of Parliament ("MP") John Healey has called for the British Parliament to increase its scrutiny of ministers' decisions on matters related to the EU, particularly with regard to the bloc's prospective trade deal with the U.S., the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ("TTIP").

  • Germany Balks at U.K.'s Proposed Treaty Changes

    January 14, 2015

    The Guardian reports that during a recent visit to the U.K., German Chancellor Angela Merkel indicated she would not favor treaty change to reform the EU principle of freedom of movement, as sought by the British Government, but would merely seek laws at the national level preventing social benefit abuse.

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