Democracy Impacts

  • Hannan Combats "Myths" Regarding EU

    January 14, 2015

    U.K. Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan argues, in response to a set of what he calls pro-EU "myths," that the bloc has not increased the prosperity of or cooperation among its member states and the rest of the world.

  • Ireland Supports "Reasonable" EU Treaty Reforms

    January 14, 2015

    The Prime Minister ("Taoiseach") of Ireland Enda Kenny has thrown his support behind future "reasonable adjustments" to EU treaties in order to encourage the U.K. to remain a member state of the bloc.

  • Cameron Suggests Moving Forward EU Referendum

    January 07, 2015

    In a recent interview, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron indicated his willingness, in the case of a Conservative victory in this year's Parliamentary elections, to advance the timing of a proposed referendum on Britain's EU membership to a date prior to 2017.

  • Iceland Will Withdraw EU Application

    January 07, 2015

    Iceland Prime Minister Sigmundur Gunnlaugsson has stated that his government will formally withdraw Iceland's application for EU membership in early 2015.

  • France Will Oppose New U.K.-EU Settlement

    December 24, 2014

    French President Francois Hollande has indicated his unwillingness to support a treaty change resulting in a reformed relationship between the U.K. and the EU prior to any referendum on British exit from the bloc.

  • ECJ President Criticizes Euroskepticism

    December 17, 2014

    In a recent speech, the President of the Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") Vassilios Skouris encouraged the new European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to protect "the fruits of European integration" by defeating euroskepticism.

  • Hannan Outlines Potential British Exit from EU

    December 17, 2014

    In a paper published by the Centre for Policy Studies, Dan Hannan makes the case for the U.K. to split from the "political union" of the EU but to retain a relationship based on trade.

  • Report Finds EU Blow to U.K. Deregulation Campaign

    December 17, 2014

    A report from the think tank Reform finds that over the past three years, new directives from Brussels, including pension and energy requirements, have heavily obstructed the U.K.'s campaign against deregulation.

  • If Negotiations Fail, U.K. Minister Will Seek Exit from EU

    November 26, 2014

    In recent remarks, U.K. Cabinet Office Minister Oliver Letwin announced that if Prime Minister David Cameron fails to repatriate substantial authority over border and justice issues from the EU, he will vote for the U.K. to leave the bloc in a proposed 2017 referendum.

  • Former British Minister Calls for EU Exit

    November 26, 2014

    Former U.K. Environment Secretary Owen Paterson has called for the British Government to give notice of leaving the EU prior to negotiation of the country's new relationship with the bloc and to limit its future relationship with the EU to a free trade agreement.

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