Civitas Explores Solutions to Issues with British EU Exit
September 17, 2014
The British organization Civitas has published a report examining concerns of business leaders and individuals with the possible exit of the U.K. from the EU and proposing solutions to these potential problems.
Lord Hill Faces Heat in New Commission Position
September 17, 2014
Following the offer to Britain's proposed representative in the European Commission Lord Hill to head the body's financial services portfolio, head of the U.K. Independence Party Nigel Farage warned that the Commissioner could not be trusted to act in the interests of the British people.
Tuttle Explores Recent UKIP Success
September 10, 2014
At National Review Online, Ian Tuttle explains how the popularity of the U.K. Independence Party ("UKIP") arises from the belief that British has ceded sovereignty to EU institutions, which, he argues, are "anti-democratic."
Irish Justice Expresses Subsidiarity Concerns over ECHR
September 10, 2014
Irish Supreme Court Justice Adrian Hardiman has questioned whether the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") has ignored the principle of subsidiarity by hearing a case when domestic remedies had not yet been exhausted.
German Euroskeptic Party Wins State Seats
September 03, 2014
Following up on the wave of victories for euroskeptic parties in the European Parliamentary elections, the anti-euro party Alternative for Germany, founded in 2013, has won its first seats in state parliament in Saxony.
U.K. Conservative MP Switches to Anti-EU Party
August 29, 2014
U.K. Member of Parliament ("MP") Douglas Carswell has announced his defection from the Conservative Party in order to join the U.K. Independence Party ("UKIP") and has called a by-election that may give UKIP, whose platform includes a call for Britain to withdraw from the EU, its first MP.
London Report: Leaving EU Is "Viable Option"
August 06, 2014
A report on the U.K.'s relationship with the EU commissioned by London Mayor Boris Johnson finds that a British exit from the bloc would be a "viable option" for London and that the only way the British Government can achieve significant reforms in the EU is if it is serious about the possibility of leaving.
Craddock: EU Denies Participatory Democracy
August 06, 2014
Josh Craddock writes that the European Commission's summary dismissal of the "One of Us" citizens' initiative, which sought to prevent EU funding of embryo destruction, demonstrates the existence of a "democratic deficit" in the EU.
"One of Us" Committee Files Complaint over EU Inaction
July 30, 2014
The organizers of the European Citizens' Initiative "One of Us" have filed a complaint with the Court of Justice of the EU seeking annulment of the European Commission's decision to ignore the initiative, which seeks to end EU funding of the destruction of human embryos.
Howe Recommends "Zero Plus" U.K. Renegotiation with EU
July 23, 2014
Martin Howe QC has published a paper arguing that in the case of a "no" vote in the EU referendum planned in 2017, the U.K. should perform a "zero plus" renegotiation by withdrawing from the EU and choosing which areas of the trade bloc it would be beneficial to rejoin.