U.K. Government Plans Parliamentary Veto of ECHR Decisions
July 23, 2014
According to The Telegraph, the current U.K. Government's plans for replacing the U.K. Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights include giving U.K. Members of Parliament the authority to overrule decisions of the European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") in Strasbourg.
Muller: Christian Democracy Is on Decline
July 18, 2014
Jan-Werner Muller has published an article arguing that secularization and disenchantment with the ideal of European integration have caused Christian Democratic parties to decline in favor of nationalist and populist parties.
EU Warns Ireland Not to Stray from Austerity Path
July 14, 2014
In its first "post-program surveillance report" following the financial crisis, the EU has called for Ireland to avoid initiatives to reduce taxes and increase expenditures, due to high government and private indebtedness in the country.
National Legislators Call for More Authority in EU Lawmaking
July 14, 2014
A letter supported by the parliaments of 20 of the 28 EU member states calls for the expanded authority of national parliaments to back or reject proposed EU legislation.
AfD Increases Legitimacy Following Election
July 14, 2014
The Alternative for Germany ("AfD") party, which opposes an EU-wide currency and favors the return of powers from Brussels to EU member states, is gaining legitimacy with its overarching message, from its manifesto, "courage to stand up for Germany."
EU Controversy Erupts over Deal to Install Commission President
July 14, 2014
The Telegraph reports that following an election in which officials argued for greater EU democratic transparency, observers in Brussels are protesting the EU Parliament's vote for Martin Schulz as its President in an alleged back-room deal for support with other establishment candidates for top EU posts.
MEPs Deny Euroskeptic Parties Committee Posts
July 14, 2014
EUobserver reports that three of the largest party groupings in the European Parliament are pooling support to deny committee posts to party groupings that favor returning powers from Brussels to national governments, including the groupings including the U.K. Conservatives and the U.K. Independence Party.
Cummings Describes Necessary Focus of U.K. "Out" Campaign
July 14, 2014
In a blog post, Dominic Cummings summarizes his recent report detailing the disenchantment in the U.K. with policies of the Conservative Government relating to the EU and immigration, and describes the need for small business and other support of the campaign to leave the EU in order to persuade swing voters.
AfD Seeks Grouping with U.K. Conservatives
June 20, 2014
The U.K. Conservatives will decide whether they will support the German anti-euro party Alternative for Germany's joining the European Conservatives and Reformists grouping in the European Parliament, a decision that may risk an alliance for EU reform with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Blair Calls for Program of Change in Response to EU Elections
June 20, 2014
In the wake of the recent European Parliamentary election results, which saw large gains by "euroskeptic" parties, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair argues that European institutions must re-address the balance of power between the EU and the member states.