Hungary and Brussels Clash Over Enhanced Orban Power
May 13, 2020
The European Parliament has allocated time to discuss Hungary's law giving Viktor Orbán the right to rule by decree indefinitely as part of a package of measures aimed at fighting coronavirus.
Döpfner: Europe Must Decide Between the U.S. and China
May 06, 2020
Mathias Döpfner of Business Insider explains why an alliance between Europe and the U.S. is a much better option than one with China.
WaPo: China has turned to bullying to avoid accountability. It may be working on Europe
May 04, 2020
The Washington Post editorial board is concerned that China was able to strong arm the European External Action Service to soften language in a report about China's global disinformation campaign to deflect blame for the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and improve its international image.
VOA: Behind Russia’s Coronavirus Fight, a Surveillance State Blooms
May 04, 2020
Writing in Voice of America, Charles Maynes explains the long-term privacy concerns arising from Russia's expansion of the surveillance state to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Leonard: Multilateral Institutions Must Serve National Sovereignty
May 01, 2020
Writing at Project Syndicate, Mark Leonard opines that, if today's multilateral frameworks are to have a future, they must be brought back into the service of national sovereignty.
European Commission Launches Formal Procedure Against Poland Relating to Judicial Reforms
April 29, 2020
The European Commission has launched a new formal procedure against 2019 reforms in Poland that introduce disciplinary liability of judges, including for questioning the effectiveness of the appointment of a judge upon recommendation of the new National Court Register and for public activities that are incompatible with the principles of independence of courts and judges.
EU Privacy Body Issues COVID-19 Data Gathering Guidance
April 22, 2020
The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has published guidance for the use of location data and contacts tracing tools intended to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Politico: EU Left Behind as Capitals Plan Coronavirus Exit Strategies
April 15, 2020
Mirroring a U.S. debate over federalism relating to the COVID-19 exit strategy, at least a half dozen EU countries have started easing lockdowns, jumping ahead of the European Commission, which plans to unveil its own "roadmap" for lifting containment measures.
Wilson and Charlton: COVID-19 Pandemic Threatens EU Unity
April 01, 2020
Associated Press reporters Joseph Wilson and Angela Charlton explain how the COVID-19 pandemic could renew the divisive feelings between northern and southern EU member states that resulted from the 2008 recession and tough financial measures imposed as a condition to the provision of relief.
Yasko: Inclusion of "Authorized Representatives" from Russia-Occupied Eastern Ukraine Raises Legitimation Concerns
March 25, 2020
Writing in The Atlantic, Lisa Yasko explains why western countries should be concerned about the inclusion of "authorized representatives" from Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine as signatories to proposals accepted by Ukraine officials during a recent meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group, a platform for talks toward ending the conflict in eastern Ukraine that features representatives from Ukraine, Russia, and the OSCE.