Democracy Impacts

  • EU Ecosystem Mapping Lays Basis for Biodiversity Strategy

    March 06, 2019

    The European Environment Agency has issued a report highlighting its progress in mapping ecosystem types across Europe to lay the foundation for the EU’s 2020 biodiversity strategy.

  • Former London Official Explains Challenges Backstop Poses for Brexit

    March 04, 2019

    Former Deputy Chairman of Transport for London and adviser to the Mayor of London Daniel Moylan explains the significance of the “Irish backstop” provisions in the UK-EU withdrawal deal in terms of the future lack of independence from EU structures they would mean for Britain.

  • UK Opposition Party Calls for Second Brexit Referendum

    March 01, 2019

    The head of the UK Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn has announced his party’s support for a new British referendum on leaving the EU that would include an option on the ballot whether to overturn the result of the 2016 referendum that triggered the Brexit process.

  • EU Leaders Support Brexit Delay

    March 01, 2019

    The Independent reports that President of the EU Council Donald Tusk and Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar have supported a delayed Brexit, with the EU Council chief referring to a delay as a “rational” response to the failure of the EU and UK Prime Minister Theresa May to reach a withdrawal deal that is acceptable to the British Parliament.

  • May Offers UK Parliament Vote to Delay Brexit

    February 27, 2019

    NPR reports that UK Prime Minister Theresa May has offered the House of Commons an opportunity to vote to delay Brexit for up to three months if they reject, in a series of votes in March, both the withdrawal deal she is negotiating with the EU and departure of Britain from the EU on WTO terms.

  • Spain Hinders Brexit Visa Rules with Gibraltar “Colony” Reference

    February 22, 2019

    The Guardian reports that the Spanish government has stymied legislation that would permit visa-free travel by UK visitors to the EU in case of a no-deal Brexit by including in the relevant legislation a reference to Gibraltar as a British “colony,” causing the European Parliament to reject the rules.

  • NGO Pushes Finance Ministers to Back EU Climate Plan

    February 22, 2019

    Environmental activist organization WWF recently called on EU national finance ministers meeting in Brussels to endorse the European Commission’s (EC) long-term plan to create a “climate neutral” European economy in Europe and to push the EC for more ambitious regulation of EU industry to meet its emissions goals.

  • UK Parliament Votes Against May’s Brexit Strategy

    February 15, 2019

    The UK Parliament has voted against Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit strategy to seek concessions from EU negotiators on the UK-EU withdrawal deal, as members of the euroskeptic European Research Group abstained from the vote due to the inclusion of a provision aiming to avoid a no-deal Brexit.

  • EU Members Mull Long Brexit Delay

    February 15, 2019

    The Express reports that, according to an EU diplomat, French President Emmanuel Macron is supporting a nine-month delay in Brexit to permit more time for negotiations, a move that would require the UK to participate in European parliamentary elections this May.

  • Dutch PM: Brexit Vote Has “Diminished” the UK

    February 14, 2019

    In a recent interview, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said the UK has become a “diminished country” since the Brexit vote that will be “too small to appear on the world stage on its own” after its withdrawal from the EU.

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