Democracy Impacts

  • UK Official Floats Potential Delay in Brexit

    February 05, 2019

    The BBC reports that UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has indicated the UK and the EU may need to agree to a delay in Brexit to accommodate the need to pass the appropriate legislation for Britain to withdraw from the supranational organization.

  • EC Seeks UK Budget Contributions in Case of No-Deal Brexit

    February 05, 2019

    The European Commission (EC) has adopted a set of contingency measures meant to apply in the case of a “no-deal” Brexit, including provisions securing continued EU funding for UK beneficiaries if Britain reciprocates by “honouring its financial obligations under the EU budget.”

  • UK Parliament Votes in Favor of Post-Brexit Migration Restrictions

    February 04, 2019

    The UK Parliament has voted in favor of legislation setting out the country’s policy on immigration after Brexit, ending free movement by citizens of EU member states and requiring them to apply for a “Temporary Leave to Remain” to stay in the UK longer than three months.

  • Committee: UK “Cannot” Pursue No-Deal Brexit

    February 04, 2019

    The UK House of Commons’ Exiting the EU Committee recently published a response to the rejection of British Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposal EU withdrawal deal warning that leaving the EU without a negotiated deal “cannot be allowed to happen,” citing economic disruption and uncertainty regarding rights protections.

  • EP Member Seeks British Rethinking of Brexit

    February 04, 2019

    In a recent interview, the European Parliament’s (EP) representative on Brexit issues Guy Verhofstadt expressed optimism that the British Parliament would prevent a “no-deal” withdrawal from the EU and potentially “agree to a closer relationship” with the bloc that includes membership in a customs union and a single market.

  • EP Measure Seeks Ideology-Based Limit on Party Groupings

    January 31, 2019

    Politico reports that the European Parliament is voting this week on a measure that would limit EP political party groupings, which receive EU resources and privileges in the body, to coalitions of national parties perceived to share a “political affinity,” sparking objections that the measure targets recently formed euroskeptic party groupings.

  • Trade Official: Climate Action Could Boost EU Integration

    January 31, 2019

    AP reports that European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom has pointed to the fight against climate change as a unifying issue that could bring the EU together in the face of skepticism about the European project across the bloc.

  • EC Proposes Fishing Plans in Event of Brexit “No Deal”

    January 31, 2019

    Reuters reports that the European Commission (EC) has prepared a set of contingency plans for EU and UK fishermen rights as part of a managed “no deal” Brexit in case the EU and UK fail to come to an agreement on Britain’s withdrawal from the bloc.

  • UK Official Warns EU May Object to Brexit Extension

    January 31, 2019

    The Guardian reports that UK Secretary for Brexit Stephen Barclay has warned that EU institutions and members could object to an extension of the Brexit process if they do not believe the UK Parliament has made clear a viable alternative way forward on Britain’s withdrawal from the bloc.

  • UK Parliament Rejects Amendment Seeking Brexit Delay

    January 30, 2019

    The UK Parliament has voted down a proposed amendment to the British government’s Brexit legislation aimed at laying the groundwork for a delay in the country’s withdrawal from the EU.

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