Democracy Impacts

  • Franco-German Treaty Provokes Critiques in Brussels

    January 25, 2019

    Politico reports that EU leaders are expressing concern about a new treaty between Germany and France pledging enhanced cooperation, including a warning from European Council President Donald Tusk that such an agreement could threaten the EU’s framework of “mutually supportive and equal nations.”

  • Economist Explains Stark Nature of Divides over Brexit

    January 25, 2019

    Economist Andrea Hossó warns that compromise over Brexit is “impossible” due to the stark nature of the divide between those who wish for renewed national sovereignty and those who wish to support and join in the development of a nationless European superstate.

  • France, Germany Sign Treaty Pledging Broad Integration

    January 23, 2019

    French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel signed a new treaty this week pledging to work, in line with EU priorities, toward further integration between their two countries in the fields of the economy, defense, diplomacy, culture, and the global climate change agenda.

  • UK Leader Welcomes Polish Intervention on Brexit “Backstop”

    January 22, 2019

    Reuters reports that UK Prime Minister Theresa May has expressed interest in working with Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz on his suggestion that the “backstop” requirement in the Brexit deal to maintain EU regulations in Northern Ireland be limited to five years, though Ireland had already rejected any time limit on the backstop.

  • German Chancellor Seeks Common EU Defense Policy

    January 21, 2019

    Reuters reports that, in recent remarks, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has supported a common EU defense policy with a specific focus on the joint development of weapons systems.

  • UK Leader Denies Ability to Rule out “No Deal” Brexit

    January 21, 2019

    The Guardian reports that UK Prime Minister Theresa May has asserted in a letter to opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn that it is “impossible” to rule out a scenario in which Britain leaves the EU without a withdrawal deal, while her office stated that she continues to reject the options of a second referendum and remaining in a customs union with the EU.

  • UK Official: Lawmakers Could Rescind Brexit Notice to Prevent “No Deal”

    January 17, 2019

    The Guardian reports that, in a telephone briefing for business leaders, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond asserted that the British Parliament could take the prospect of a “no deal” Brexit off the table by rescinding the notification of the UK’s intent to withdraw from the EU.

  • EC Delays Plans to End Veto for EU Tax Legislation

    January 16, 2019

    Reuters reports that the European Commission (EC) has delayed until the year 2025 plans for an end to the EU requirement of unanimous member state approval to amend the bloc’s tax rules, which would ease the bloc’s plan to introduce a tax on corporate digital revenues.

  • Auditors Push for Access to ECB Records on Bank Supervision

    January 16, 2019

    The European Court of Auditors (ECA) has published a press release pushing EU lawmakers to force the European Central Bank (ECB) to open up its records to ECA scrutiny and allow proper auditing of the ECB’s banking supervision across the bloc.

  • AfD Manifesto Includes EU Withdrawal Threat

    January 16, 2019

    The Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party in Germany has included in its manifesto calls for the abolition of the European Parliament and for Germany to withdraw from the EU if the bloc fails to meet AfD’s demands for reform.

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