Democracy Impacts

  • German Official Calls for EU Seat on UN Security Council

    December 13, 2018

    France 24 reports that German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz recently called on France to relinquish its permanent seat on the UN Security Council in favor of a seat controlled by the EU, eliciting a reply from French Ambassador to the US Gérard Araud that such a deal “would run counter to the Charter of the United Nations.”

  • Barrister: EU Backstop Would Make Britain a “Rule Taker”

    December 13, 2018

    In a recent blog post, UK barrister Martin Howe QC explains how the “backstop” arrangement regarding the Irish border, agreed as part of the UK-EU withdrawal deal, would work in practice and warns that, by permitting this feature of the agreement to come into force, the UK would “destroy” its ability to pursue an independent trade policy.

  • US Ambassador Points to Democratic Deficit in EU

    December 12, 2018

    In a recent interview with Politico, US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland characterized the EU as “out of touch” with the practical concerns of citizens and businesses in the bloc and warned of US retaliation against EU “protectionist” policy that hinders trade between America and the bloc’s member states.

  • EC Chief Says No Room for Further Negotiation of Brexit Deal

    December 10, 2018

    Politico reports that, In late November, European Commission (EC) President Jean-Claude Juncker warned the UK Parliament that the version of the withdrawal deal negotiated between Britain and the EU and approved by the European Council “is the only deal possible.”

  • EU Acknowledges Risks of Sale of Passports, Citizenship

    December 07, 2018

    The Express reports that EU officials are acknowledging the practice by several of the bloc’s member states of permitting people to buy passports for and citizenship of those countries, thus granting the purchaser the right to live and work anywhere in the EU.

  • UK Legal Memo Finds No Clear Mechanism to Exit EU Deal

    December 05, 2018

    According to a newly released legal memo advising the UK government on the implications of the deal it has struck with the EU over Brexit’s impacts on the Irish border, Britain risks joining a new union with the EU from which the terms of the deal contemplate no clear option for withdrawal.

  • Juncker Pushes for “European Sovereignty”

    December 03, 2018

    In his September “State of the European Union” speech, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker argued that “the time for European sovereignty has come,” calling for EU member states to transfer more authority to the bloc to help it become a “major player” on the global scene.

  • Article: Weak Brexit Deal Risks UK Constitutional Tradition

    December 03, 2018

    Dr. Sheila Lawlor of think tank Politeia warns that Britain would be ignoring its long tradition of democracy and self-determination if it fails to exit EU structures as part of the country’s withdrawal from the bloc under the terms of the Brexit referendum and would be undermining its economic strengths.

  • Euroskeptics Launch “Irexit” Party in Dublin

    November 30, 2018

    The Irish Times reports that an academic, two journalists, and a former Irish diplomat are launching an “Irexit Freedom” party that will campaign in the country’s national and European elections calling for Ireland to leave the EU.

  • Article: To Survive, EU Must Nurture Shared Identity

    November 30, 2018

    An article in The Economist asserts that the only way for European leaders to keep the EU afloat in the long-term is to “nurture a clearer European identity” and show clear benefits of the European project that outweigh the complexity of EU institutions and problematic policies they impose on member states.

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