Poland Attempts to Cool Legal Conflicts with EU
February 07, 2022
In the ongoing battle between Poland and the European Union, Polish President Andrzej Duda traveled to Brussels to meet Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Council chief Charles Michel with a bill aimed at ending the standoff after the Court of Justice fined the central European country €1 million per day for refusing to comply with EU directives concerning the polish disciplinary chamber.
Cyber Attacks on Ukraine leave Western Experts Seeking Best Response
January 19, 2022
Seizing the opportunity of the stand off between Russia and the West over Ukraine, hackers are disrupting various sites including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with cyber attacks and misinformation, leaving leading experts seeking the best response.
EU will Demand Poland Pay Fines for Disciplining Judges
January 12, 2022
According to Reuters, In one of the many battles between the European Union (EU) and Poland, Věra Jourová, EU Commissioner for Values and Transparency has announced that the EU is set to demand that Poland pay an estimated €70 million of fines in the coming weeks for failing to remove their system of disciplining judges.
EU Flag Flies Solo Under Arc de Triomphe Causing Political Outcry
January 05, 2022
French President Emmanuel Macron decided to fly the EU flag solo under the Arc de Triomphe, which honors those who fought and died for France in battle and houses the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, to mark France’s EU Presidency, which took place on January 1, causing a political outcry from those concerned France’s history and identity are being erased.
Romanian PM: EU Law Prevails in Romania
January 04, 2022
Following the press release from the Romanian Constitutional Court on December 23, 2021 informing that their Constitution includes provisions that prevent the full prevalence of EU law at a national level, the Romanian prime minister Ciuca and minister of justice Catalin Predoiu made statements assuring that the EU law prevails in Romania.
Orban Will Keep Immigration Law despite EU Court Ruling
December 22, 2021
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced at a press conference that Hungary won’t change its immigration laws after the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that Hungary had “failed to fulfill its obligations” under EU law by passing a 2018 bill preventing people from applying for asylum if they come to Hungary from a country where their life and freedom were not at risk.
European Commission to Start Legal Action Against Poland Over Rule of Law
December 22, 2021
The European Commission will begin an infringement procedure against Poland for undermining EU law by sending a formal notice, giving Poland two months to reply and fulfill its obligations under EU law.
Hungary's Top Court Avoids Ruling on Primacy of EU law
December 15, 2021
While avoiding ruling on primacy of European Union law, Hungary's Constitutional Court authorizes government action in absence of adequate EU rules.
Euroscepticism in the EU after Brexit
December 08, 2021
Rónán Duffy writing in thejournal.ie explores euroscepticism in the European Union (EU) since Brexit, highlighting that near 30% of MEPs have been identified as being various shades of eurosceptic.
EU Attacks Top Court Appointments in Georgia
December 04, 2021
Following Georgia’s four lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court, the EU’s Lead Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Peter Stano criticized the action and reminded Georgia that the EU assistance to Georgia “remains conditional on progress on key reforms, including on judiciary.”