Democracy Impacts

  • Times Editorial Warns of Blowback from EU Funding Threats

    June 25, 2018

    An editorial in The New York Times warns that proposals within the EU institutions to respond to threats to the rule of law in EU member states by cutting their access to development funding would only embolden the leaders of these countries in their criticisms of the liberal, "know-it-all" West.

  • EC Raises Budget Despite Loss of British Funding

    June 08, 2018

    Politico reports that, in its recent budget proposal for the years 2021 to 2027, the European Commission (EC) responds to the €13 billion annual gap in its finances left by Brexit by calling for an "ambitious" rise in the bloc's annual spending to meet new priorities and a focus on the internal politics of its members by conditioning development funding on democratic standards.

  • UK Leader Pledges Strong Response to Brexit Amendments

    June 08, 2018

    According to the BBC, UK Prime Minister Theresa May is planning a "robust" response to the amendments the House of Lords recently made to her government's EU withdrawal legislation seeking to keep the UK close to the EU after the Brexit process, as government ministers labeled the amendments an attempt to "thwart the view of the British electorate."

  • Proposed "Back Stop" Draws Northern Ireland into EU Regulations

    June 07, 2018

    The Guardian reports that, in a recent appearance in Ireland, the European Commission's top Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier made clear his push for the UK to agree to a "back stop" solution in the case of failure of Brexit talks on the Irish border issue that would involve subjecting Northern Ireland to EU trade policy and regulations.

  • MP Criticizes UK-EU "Customs Partnership" Proposal

    June 05, 2018

    At a recent meeting, UK Member of Parliament Jacob Rees-Mogg called a UK government proposal to form a new "customs partnership" with the EU after Brexit "a betrayal of good sense," arguing that such a partnership would require the UK to retain EU tariffs and regulatory requirements.

  • Rees-Mogg: Brexit Revisions Threaten House of Lords' Standing

    June 05, 2018

    British Member of Parliament Jacob Rees-Mogg recently characterized a set of amendments the UK House of Lords made to Brexit legislation as "challenging the democratic will" of the people in an effort to prevent the UK's withdrawal from the EU and warned that the move threatened the legitimacy of the body.

  • ECJ Rejects Challenge to Citizens' Initiative Response

    June 04, 2018

    The Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) has rejected a legal challenge to the European Commission's (EC) refusal to take action in response to a European citizens' initiative seeking a ban on the funding of the destruction of human embryos because the binding of the EC using such a citizens petition would violate the institution's "near-monopoly on legislative initiative."

  • Article: Macron Struggles to Find Broad Audience for EU Vision

    June 01, 2018

    The Economist has published an article asserting that intra-EU mistrust and caution have meant that the broad, reformist EU vision of French President Emmanuel Macron has largely fallen on deaf ears, other than his desires for short-term protectionism of European industry and its labor force.

  • Investigators Identify "Strong Suspicion" of PACE Corruption

    June 01, 2018

    AFP reports that external investigators of alleged corruption at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have established a "strong suspicion" that certain governments, including that of Azerbaijan, doled out lavish gifts, including caviar and luxury hotel stays, to prevent the adoption of a critical report on the status of political prisoners.

  • Committee Seeks More "Political Ambition" in EU Budget

    May 23, 2018

    The European Economic and Social Committee recently hosted a meeting at which its leaders criticized the European Commission's proposal for a post-2020 EU budget as lacking "political ambition," calling for a budget increase despite Brexit and pushing for "greater conditionality" for access to EU funding.

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